Synopsis: Improve SSM hashing speed by a factor 15. April 97 From Tue May 27 15:48:30 1997 Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 17:16:37 +0200 (MET DST) From: "Erwin S. Andreasen" To: MERC/Envy Mailing List Subject: SSM: More accurate hash function Included is a more accurate hash function for the temp_hash_{find,add} functions. It is based off a hash function that supposedly comes from perl. static inline unsigned get_string_hash( register const char *key, int len) { register int i = UMIN(len,32); register unsigned hash = 0; while(i--) hash = hash * 33U + *key++; return hash % MAX_KEY_HASH; } The hash function calculates the hash based on the first 32 characters; I found that setting that value to 8 characters caused a 50% increase in number of strcmps in temp_hash_find; setting it beyond 32 did not decrease it. The hash function takes the string plus its length as parameter: fread_string can figure out the length of the string so there is no reason to recalculate it. The new temp_hash_find will look like this: char *temp_hash_find( const char *str, int len ) { TempHash *ptr; int ihash; if( !fBootDb || !*str ) return 0; ihash = get_string_hash(str,len); for( ptr = temp_string_hash[ ihash ]; ptr; ptr = ptr->next ) { if( *ptr->str != *str ) continue; else if( strcmp( ptr->str, str ) ) continue; else return ptr->str; } return 0; } void temp_hash_add( char *str, int len ) { int ihash; TempHash *add; if( !fBootDb || !*str || ( str <= string_space && str >= top_string )) return; ihash = get_string_hash(str,len); add = (TempHash *)malloc( sizeof( TempHash ) ); add->next = temp_string_hash[ ihash ]; temp_string_hash[ ihash ] = add; add->str = str; } You must then modify fread_string to pass the length over to temp_hash functions: if( fBootDb ) { int len = ptr-buf; ptr = temp_hash_find( buf, len ); if( ptr ) return str_dup (ptr); ptr = str_dup( buf ); temp_hash_add( ptr, len ); return ptr; } Also, free_string must be changed too, to use the new hash algorithm rather than string length when freeing strings at bootup, if you need that. A field called "len" in TempHash structure is also now obsolete. Using this new hash method gives a significant improvement. Some profiling results: Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds. % cumulative self self total time seconds seconds calls ms/call ms/call name Old method: 51.55 6.82 6.82 131335 0.05 0.05 temp_hash_find New method (this was compiled without optimizations to get results comparable to the old method, so get_string_hash was not inlined) 4.82 3.21 0.30 63012 0.00 0.01 temp_hash_find 4.02 3.46 0.25 106934 0.00 0.00 get_string_hash [...] 0.32 5.66 0.02 43922 0.00 0.00 temp_hash_add Number of calls was lowered becuase the old mread_string I use (a replacement for fread_string, using mmap) used to call temp_hash_find evne on empty strings. This should not significantly change the results, since temp_hash_find would immediately return when encountering an empty string. So, 6.82 seconds the old way, then .30 (temp_hash_find) + roughly .14 (get_string_hash calls made from temp_hash_find) = .44 seconds - about 15 times speed up. With -O2 enabled (only on ssm.c) the results are: 6.31 3.50 0.39 63012 0.01 0.01 temp_hash_find It's higher than before, but get_string_hash now is inlined, so that's .39 total (vs about .44 before). The testing was done when loading about 7 megabytes area/help files; total string space used after loading was 5696452 bytes. Machine is a Linux 2.0.30 system with 2 p166.